Nice Game Studio Apps

Nice Mahjong Solitaire 2.0.0
Nice Mahjong Solitaire is an incredibly clean,simple, and, well, NICE mahjong solitaire gaming experience. As atitan in the genre, this game is designed to immerse you in a gameof mahjong solitaire with no distractions. No distractingadvertisements, no coins to collect or things to keep track of.Just a nice, smooth experience that will allow you to focus on thefun aspects of mahjong solitaire with no other distractions.Nice Mahjong Solitaire features sixty crisp, clear HD photosfrom all around the world, in all kinds of places. Enjoy arelaxing, peaceful game of mahjong solitaire while sitting in alush garden. Or maybe you want to enjoy mahjong solitaire from highup on mountain trails, looking down at the world below. You can doall of this and more with Nice Mahjong Solitaire .Enjoy 100 different deluxe tile layouts, organized into 12 funcategories, from dogs to knight towers to city buildings to randomshapes. All game layouts were handcrafted and guaranteed to be fun.Layouts are not randomly generated by a computer that has no ideawhat "fun" is. Enjoy Nice Mahjong Solitaire with a cup of tea,coffee, or any other relaxing drink. Take a break with NiceMahjongSolitaire ! You won't regret it.